Ok, remember when I told you that the sandwich from Can Tho, was the best sandwich, well I was sniffing glue, because the sandwich at PVO in Vientiane is clearly the best sandwich in the world. I honestly don't know what's in it. A lot of weird stuff it seems, but damn was it good.
First off, the Baguette was really good bread. Most sandwich places in South East serve an OK baguette, but usually they're too airy, and there is nothing to them. This one though, had just the right amount of bread and crust for a sandwich. Now onto the fillings. For veggies there were Green Onions, Cilantro (my most favourite herb ever, for those keeping notes), Tomatoes, regular onions, and Cucumbers. The meat is a little more difficult. There was definitely a salami like meat, although the spices were south-east Asian. Then there was the 'Pate', which is usually more akin to Spam, than pate. This one though was really good. I have no idea what's it's made from, and frankly if it's that good who the hell cares. Then they put on this spicy sauce which seems to have the flavour of Sambal, with the consistency of Aioli. All those things hell of a sandwich.
The only negative, was that I didn't try it until my last day, so only got the one. I tried to get one in the morning, but the bus was coming too early. Fuck. There really wasn't much in Vientiane, but that sandwich made the trip worth it. It's funny though because you run into other travelers and ask what they thought of Vientiane, and they all say the same thing "It was kind of a dull town, but did you try the sandwiches at PVO?" Then you both get this glazed look in your eye as you try to remember the taste, and you can just tell that both of you wish you could get your hands on one right that instant.
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