Remember that awesome fast forward in season one. You know the one where Momily and The Guidos faced off in Bangkok, that eventually led to the demise of both teams. Remember how nerve wracking and tension filled that fast forward was? Well guess what I got to do? I didn’t even realize it was the same place until I walked into the room and saw this huge reclining Buddha, with a row of pots that people were putting coins in. Let me tell you the Buddha is impressive. It’s massive, and really beautiful. I mean the thing just dominates the room, and it even has the most impressive souls you’ve ever seen on anyone’s feet.

So after staring in awe for some minutes, I donated some money and got my own pot of coins, and began reenacting the fast forward. Now of course I give it at a much more sedate and respectful pace, but it was still quite fun. Wat Pho itself (of which the reclining Buddha is just a part, is one of the most beautiful Wats I’ve visited so far. There are statues everywhere, and was a really nice place just hangout and relax, especially amongst the hustle and bustle of Bangkok (and considering this was the day I got lost). What made it even more relaxing was the fact that Wat Pho has one of the foremost Thai massage schools in Thailand. So after wandering the Wat for awhile, I went to get a relaxing herbal massage (1 hour for only $4). You know I could really get used to getting a massage every week.
After that I went across the river to Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn), which was the site of Kevin and Drew getting screwed by the good old hours of operation. That Wat was insane as well. It was much smaller, but so unbelieveably intricate. I mean the detail was astounding. I was again in awe. I may have been Wat’ed out before I got to Bangkok, but these were too amazing not to get through my cold bitter heart.

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